For many people who decide to get braces, they would rather get ones that blend in with their natural teeth. Metal braces can be off-putting to many, which is why the invention of these braces has been received very well. With them, you will get a more natural look during your treatment period.
Traditional braces tend to be very noticeable, which makes wearers very self-conscious. Users also feel very uncomfortable whenever they are out in public. This is why most people would rather have these as they are usually less conspicuous and, therefore, great alternatives to their traditional alternatives.
What they are these made of?
These braces come with brackets made of porcelain, ceramic or plastic. This makes them blend perfectly with your teeth, unlike metal braces. These types of braces have improved with time as they used to come with ceramic brackets and metal wires. Nowadays, the wire is made of clear material to make the braces even less visible. This is another reason why they have become so popular. With white braces, you can have them on during the entire treatment period without anyone noticing that you are actually wearing them.
There are many misconceptions regarding them, including the following:
Some people tend to think that they work better than traditional braces. However, this is not the case. The truth is that there are some scenarios where it might be better to use metal braces for your lower teeth. If your orthodontist feels that traditional braces will be more effective for your problem, you will be advised to have them installed regardless of how appealing these braces might appear to you.
Another misconception is that they will get all discoloured. The truth is that it is the elastics holding the wires tend to stain when foodstuffs get trapped in them. Also, the wires can turn grey too due to vigorous brushing. However, the squares do not stain and so, you shouldn’t be worried about having them. In case of discolouration, you can get either the wires or elastics replaced by your orthodontist.
These braces are designed specifically for people who are self-conscious about wearing the metal types. They tend to blend very well with a person’s teeth colour. The brackets tend to be stain-resistant and will also remain translucent for the entire treatment period. This makes them very desirable to adults due to the aesthetic appeal they give.
With their aesthetic benefits, these braces are becoming common and a great alternative to the more noticeable traditional metal types.