Regular visits to our dental hygienist in Cardiff are an investment in safeguarding your teeth and helping prevent issues like decay. Schedule your checkup today for a brighter, healthier smile!
Caring for your oral health is a vital concern that is directly related to your general health. Your oral health not only makes your teeth and gums healthier and bacteria-free but also plays a significant role in boosting your confidence and improving your smile.
Early treatment with a trained dental hygienist can deter further damage or infection and fix the dental issue before it starts. We have highly qualified and skilled dental therapists who have the ability to diagnose any dental problems you may have.
For more information on Dental Hygiene, please visit this NHS page.

Dental Therapy
Our Cardiff dental therapy services provided by our friendly team ensure your teeth receive a deep clean. Scale and polish are common practices we offer for teeth maintenance. Birchgrove Dental gives you the solution that you need.

Our Dental Hygiene Services
Our services are offered collaboratively by the dentist and dental hygienist. If you want to visit, you are required to make an appointment with our dentist. You can do this by contacting our practice
Scale and Polish
This service involves the eradication of tartar for healthy gums. It consists of the use of an ultrasonic scaler for stain elimination.
Ultra White Polish
The service is aimed at removing debris as we polish your teeth using a Prophyflex that jets water, compressed air, and sodium bicarbonate elements to the teeth. The treatment is essential in eliminating tough stains.
Fresh Breath Polish
If you are experiencing bad breath, this service will be necessary for you. The therapist uses a UtraDEX odour solution that’s effective in removing bad odours.
Why Visit Us?
It is good to understand that your teeth get exposed to bacterial infections that may come from acidic content and plaque and tartar formation on the teeth. At Birchgrove Dental, we offer regular services to all existing and new patients in Cardiff. Our main aim is to eradicate any oral problems that may be forming on your teeth and gums.
The Importance of Regular Visits to a Dental Therapist
Despite our ability to treat all oral health-related problems, our primary mission is to see your oral health well maintained. Therefore, there are various reasons we recommend you to make regular visits to our dental therapists.
The dental hygienist can spot the dental problem as it starts or as it is occurring. These problems may include gum health, tooth decay, and many other issues.
The service can help prevent potential gum disease and other dental problems before they occur.
Our dental therapist offers knowledge and advice to patients on how to effectively prevent the existence of any oral disease.
In case of detection of any plaque, we have a removal procedure that helps to control the chances of diseases occurring. Any symptoms that can potentially cause dental diseases are slowed down and the problem is eliminated.