Misaligned, out of place teeth are not something that anyone wants. For years, the only solution to straightening your teeth was old fashioned wire braces. However, now there are more subtle options available to straighten and organise your teeth. Clear braces are a way of straightening your teeth without it being so obvious that you are doing it. In fact, with clear braces, it is likely no one will even notice at all.
What Options are There?
If you are interested in clear braces, there are two main types to consider. Clear ceramic braces are based on the same principle as regular braces – wires are bonded to each other and to your teeth, along with ligature elastics. This moves your teeth subtly and over a period of time into the shape that you would like. The difference between ceramic and metal braces is that the ceramic braces are the same colour as your teeth, making them much harder to see than regular braces.
The other option is Invisalign braces. These are the only truly invisible braces on the market. They use no wires nor brackets, instead using strong clear plastic. Think of Invisalign braces as being like a retainer – they are shaped according to your teeth, and move them into the shape you want them to be. You can remove Invisalign braces whenever you like, and should do to brush or eat. They work best, however, if they are worn for at least 20 hours a day.
How Do They Work?
All braces work in largely the same way – it’s a clearly observable principle that teeth respond to pressure by moving in the direction of said pressure. Teeth move easily with long term pressure, as the bones around the teeth can allow movement by reforming around the moving tooth. Conventional metal and clear ceramic braces both work by using some of your teeth as anchors, and connecting the others to them. The anchor teeth then pull the other teeth into the shape that you want.
Invisalign braces work by creating a mould of your teeth, and then forming a clear plastic aligner in the shape you want the teeth to move to. You regularly adapt and change the aligners so that the tooth movement process is a slow and gradual process. As your teeth adapt their position to fit in with the aligners, they will come to be in the right alignment.
Are Clear Braces for You?
Clear braces do work – they move your teeth just as regular braces do, and ensure that your crooked or misaligned teeth don’t stay that way. However, there are a few points to consider before getting them. They are primarily used for cosmetic adjustments – largely on the front and top teeth. They are also more expensive than regular braces. If these are not issues however, then clear braces do definitely work, and might be perfect for you.