How does Invisalign work?
Many of us have insecurities that affect our self-confidence, for some, it is their smile. A confident smile comes from different factors such as your self-esteem, general confidence, and knowing that you have a beautiful smile. Having dental issues such as crooked teeth can alter your facial view, and this also affects your confidence. If you suffer from crowded teeth, overbite, or underbite, you may consider undergoing Invisalign treatment to help straighten your teeth. Invisalign can change both your smile and your confidence, which can help you live life to the full.
What is Invisalign?
The term Invisalign comes from joining two words; invisible aligners. They are a perfect way to correct your dental problems without anyone noticing. Since they are clear, it is almost impossible to notice them unless someone is standing close to you. Compared to traditional braces, they are a much better option. Let’s explore the benefits of having Invisalign aligners:
Transform your smile right from your first fitting.
The benefits of Invisalign
Virtually Invisible
With these clear aligners, it is almost impossible for someone to notice them. They resemble clear teeth trays and can straighten the teeth within a short space of time.
Shorter Treatment Duration
Metal braces can take up to five years to straighten your teeth. However, with Invisalign aligners, they can take anywhere from a few months to a year. Book a consultation with Dr Craig Lewis and he will provide you with a more precise timeline for your treatment.
You Can Eat Anything You Want
Metal braces prevent you from eating certain foods, for example, you cannot eat tough meat, sticky products, or even sweets. This is not the case with Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want without affecting the treatment process. Nevertheless, you must first remove the tray from your teeth before you eat.
Easier to Clean
You can easily keep them clean by removing them, and gently brushing with toothpaste and warm water before putting them into the mouth.
Traditional teeth correction such as metal braces involves installing brackets and wires on the front of teeth. This causes tension in order to reposition the teeth and can be uncomfortable. Invisalign aligners are comfortable and do not scrape against your teeth, gums, or inner cheeks.
A Great Look
Who doesn’t like a great look? These aligners make you look and feel great without anyone knowing that you are wearing them.
How Invisalign Aligners Work
The aligners are computer-generated from images and impressions taken from your teeth so that they fit perfectly. Here is how they work:
Visit Your Dentist for an Initial Consultation
During your first visit to Birchgrove Dental, we will discuss the process with you concerning how they work and the overall cost of the service. With this information, you can make an informed decision.
Get X-Rays and Photographs
Once you decide to undergo the procedure, we will then schedule a session where x-rays and photographs are taken. Usually, these images include your teeth from different angles so that we can have a detailed map of your mouth. A lateral cephalometric x-ray may be performed to determine the jaw and cheekbone compatibility.
The First Fitting
After they are ready, we will book you in for your first fitting. The fitting session determines whether they are comfortable for you. Typically, these aligners are modelled to be a little tight at first. You will have to adapt to them as time goes by.
When you wear them for the first time, you will notice some peculiar changes, all normal. Try wearing them for twenty to twenty-two hours every day for your mouth to adjust.
Invisalign aligners are the most comfortable and invisible way to straighten your teeth. For you to keep them for longer, you must clean them in the morning and at night. Not only does this prolong the aligners, but it also eliminates all the bacteria that might have built up overnight or during the day. Gently brush them with a toothbrush. When not in use, soak them using a dental cleaner.
How you feel after Invisalign
One of Invisalign’s biggest benefits is its fast aftercare period. This means that you’ll be able to enjoy your brand new smile from the moment you remove your aligners for the very last time.
We also help transform smiles through our teeth whitening services.
For more information get in touch today!