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Why Straight Teeth Are Important

Contrary to the common notion that teeth straightening is purely for aesthetic purposes, there is, in fact, a myriad of health benefits associated with straight teeth. It’s a no-brainer that a beautiful straight smile boosts our confidence. Confidence translates to a better social life as well as improved performance at the workplace. However, you’ll be pleased to realise that by straightening your teeth not only will you be improving your appearance, but you’ll also significantly improve your oral health and overall well-being. So, what are some of the perks of having straight teeth?

Improved Oral Hygiene

Crooked and overcrowded teeth are harder to clean due to the tight pockets in-between them. Food particles and drinks tend to get trapped in these pockets making it difficult to properly clean your teeth. This can lead to the build-up of plaque, which increases the risk of tooth decay. Straight teeth are easier to clean and food particles are less likely to get stuck. Straight teeth allow toothbrush bristles to easily access spots where food particles might get stuck. Since it’s easier to clean straight teeth without much effort, one is motivated to regularly maintain the cleanliness of their teeth. It’s unfortunate to note that some of the individuals who suffer from dental health issues, such as tooth decay, do practise proper hygiene habits. However, due to the improper alignment of their teeth, it is difficult for them to ensure that their teeth are thoroughly cleaned.

Improved Overall Health

Unknown to most, tooth decay can have dire consequences on one’s overall health. Since crooked teeth are harder to clean, the risks of tooth decay are high. Tooth decay then leads to gum disease. Scientific research has indicated that there is a link between gum disease and other serious lifetime health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Straight teeth reduce the risks of tooth decay and this ultimately helps to eliminate the chances of health complications associated with oral health.

Better Gum Health

As discussed above, crooked teeth increase the chances of tooth decay, which leads to gum disease. In addition, poorly aligned teeth push against the soft gum tissues causing the gums to become inflamed increasing the chances of periodontal diseases.

Reduced Abnormal Jaw Stress and Headaches

Straight teeth allow for pressure to be distributed uniformly on the jaws as we chew. However, crooked teeth compromise proper chewing, and lead to uneven teeth wear as the uneven placed lower and upper teeth grind against the opposite tooth. This further causes excessive pressure on the jaw, which leads to chronic headaches. Headaches undoubtedly interfere with one’s daily life. If having crooked teeth is contributing to your chronic headaches, then a tooth straightening procedure is definitely a viable remedy.

Reduced Digestion Issues

First and foremost, it is worth noting that digestion of food begins in the mouth. When food enters the mouth, the teeth, tongue and saliva work together to mechanically break the food down. As the food is being broken down, enzymes contained in the saliva commence the digestion of carbohydrates. It goes without saying that food has to be properly chewed in order to be broken down for optimal absorption of precious nutrients. Crooked teeth inhibit proper chewing consequently inhibiting proper digestion and nutrient absorption. This essentially means that the expected results from a healthy diet plan may fail to materialise just because the food wasn’t properly chewed.

Less Impact in Case of Accidents

We are all prone to accidents. It might be a fall or hitting your face against an object. Individuals with crooked and overcrowded teeth may have numerous protruding teeth. In case of an accident, any front protruding teeth may be easily impacted or even knocked out. When engaging in sports, mouth-guards may also not do much to alleviate the impact. This is because it is difficult to properly fit the equipment over misaligned teeth.

Saves Money in the Long Run

Since crooked teeth are more prone to dental problems as compared to straight teeth, an individual with crooked teeth ends up making more trips to the dental office, which translates to long-term high costs in terms dental treatment.

Improves Confidence and Quality of Life

Comes as no shock that most people who seek teeth straightening procedures do so in order to improve their smile and appearance. Being conscious of how one looks is detrimental to his/her self-esteem and happiness. The lack of self-esteem may lead to individuals withdrawing from social engagements and also negatively impacts performance at work. These factors tend to lead to stress and depression, which deplete the quality of life. Smiling has been known to be therapeutic and has numerous social benefits. Smiles also help us look friendlier and happier. If a person has a bright straight smile, he/she is most likely to smile more.

If you are contemplating having a procedure straighten your teeth in order to improve your smile, then it is important to note that it not only enhances your aesthetics, but it also has numerous health benefits.